Selected Exhibitions
2022 Field Notes
Elizabeth C. Miller Library at The Center for Urban Horticulture
Seattle, WA
2019 Botanizing Hope
Elizabeth C. Miller Library at The Center for Urban Horticulture
Seattle, WA
2017 Geography of Hope
Bainbridge Arts and Crafts, Bainbridge Island, WA
2009 Cartographies of the Unseen: New Works on Paper
Vespine Gallery, Chicago IL
2002 Elemental Metaphors
The Art Gym, Marylhurst University, Marylhurst OR
1999 Hands-On Philosophy
Carl Hammer Gallery, Chicago IL
1997 Reconstructing Memory: Sanctuary and Desire
Bellevue Art Museum, Bellevue, WA
2022 Boundless
Bainbridge Island Museum of Art, Bainbridge Island WA
2021 Essential
Bainbridge Arts and Crafts, Bainbridge Island, WA
gallery talk:
2021 Science Stories
Collins Memorial Library, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma WA
view videos & interviews:
2020 Fiber 2020
Bainbridge Island Museum of Art, Bainbridge Island WA
2019 The Book as Art: The Page & Beyond
Columbia City Gallery, Seattle, WA
2019 Following the Thread
Bainbridge Island Museum of Art, Bainbridge Island, WA
2019 Open Sesame! The Magic of Artist’s Books Revealed
Bainbridge Island Museum of Art, Bainbridge Island, WA
2016 Just One Look: Contemporary Artist Books
University of Washington Special Collections Galleries, Seattle, WA
The Story Depends on the Teller: Book Arts in the Pacific Northwest
University Gallery Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma WA
2015 Carpe Librum: The Art of the Book
Bainbridge Arts and Crafts, Bainbridge Island, WA
2014 Sacred/Profane: Contemporary Artist Books
23 Sandy Gallery. Portland OR
The Needle’s Eye: Contemporary Embroidery
KODE Museum of Contemporary Art, Bergen Norway
National Museum of Applied Art, Oslo Norway
2011 Mapping Experience
Bainbridge Arts and Crafts, Bainbridge Island, WA
Traces: Mapping a Journey in Textiles
Gregg Museum of Art and Design, North Carolina State University, Raleigh NC
2007 Pricked: Extreme Embroidery
Museum of Arts and Design New York, NY
2006 New Embroidery: Not Your Grandma’s Doily
Contemporary Craft Museum Portland, Oregon
Material Difference
Chicago Cultural Center
2001 Contemporary Art Quilts from the John Walsh Collection
University of Kentucky Art Museum, Lexington KY
Painted with Thread: The Art of American Embroidery
Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA
Douglasia, Volume 44 (1) Spring 2020 by Katherine Darrow
Just One Look by Huntington, Wendy, Moore, Sarah and Dudley, Lauren
Making Art from Maps by Jill Berry
The Needle’s Eye: Contemporary Embroidery by Karin Hindsbo and Audun Eckhoff
Sacred/Profane: Contemporary Artist Books by Jim Carmin and Laura Russell
Artist Page: Public Display edited by Katy Deepwell
Traces: Mapping a Journey in Textiles by Peter Turchi et al.
Unpacking the Collection. Museum of Contemporary Craft. by N. Wiggers
Pricked: Extreme Embroidery by David McFadden
Material Difference by Polly Ullrich
Contemporary Art Quilts by Robert Shaw
Painted with Thread: The Art of American Embroidery by Paula Richter
Subversive Domesticity by Dana Self
Conceptual Textiles by Alison Ferris
Subversive Crafts by Katy Kline
Mapping Across Academia edited by Stanley Brun and Martin Dodge
Choosing Craft: The Artist’s Viewpoint edited by V. Halper and D. Douglas
The Object of Labor: Critical Perspectives on Art, Cloth and Cultural Production edited by Joan Livingston and John Ploof
The Object of Labor, Art, Cloth, and Cultural ProductionEdited by Joan Livingstone and John Ploof
Pricked: Extreme Embroidery
by David, Editor McFadden
Making Art From Maps, by Jill K. Berry
Choosing Craft: The Artist's Viewpoint
Edited by Vicki Halper, Diane Douglas
The Needle's Eye. Contemporary Embroidery
Exhibition catalogue
Mapping Across Academia,
Editors: Brunn, Stanley D., Dodge, Martin (Eds.)
University of Washington Special Collections, Seattle WA
Bainbridge Island Museum of Art, Bainbridge Island WA
Museum of Contemporary Craft, Portland OR
Reed College Special Collections, Portland OR
Museum of Art, Racine WS
Bank Street Arts, Sheffield UK
Itch To Stitch Series: Embroidery Tutorials
I love to stitch and I love to share my passion for historic textiles. In these embroidery videos made in collaboration with the textile collection of the Henry Art Gallery in Seattle, I was able to do both. Here you will find instructions for basic embroidery stitches with digital animation to illustrate the steps and historic examples of the stitches in use. Best of all there are links to the Henry’s Embroidery Stitch Guide and their extensive textile collection. Watch all five videos for the full back story on the 19th century sampler that was my source of inspiration.